by Amanda Bittinger, Director of Education and Training
In June of 2022, the state of Ohio became the 23rd state to allow people to conceal handguns without a permit. Also known as Constitutional Carry, individuals able to lawfully possess a handgun can carry a handgun concealed without a government issued permit. Ohio still offers the ability to complete a class and apply through your county government and obtain a CHL – Concealed Handgun License, more commonly referred to as a CCW permit.
First, what is lawfully possess? That means in order to purchase a handgun, you are over the age of 21 years old, you are a legal resident of Ohio, a United States citizen, have a valid ID and you are not prohibited from owning a firearm and you must pass a background check. If you can lawfully purchase a handgun, you can legally carry it concealed without a permit. So, you can do it, but should you? If you read the CCW Handbook issued by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office it states that although permitless carriers are not required to undergo training, it doesn’t mean it’s not necessary. The risks of carrying without training are high, including; Injury or death, criminal liability, civil liability, and legal costs. It also goes on to say, “The Ohio Attorney General’s Office urges everyone who chooses to carry concealed to seek training.”
One major difference in the two is the laws regarding school zones. A permitless carrier may NOT carry a handgun in their vehicle while driving into, or through, a school zone. That means, if you are driving down the road and you enter a school zone (the yellow flashing lights) and you do not have a CHL, you have just committed a felony. That also means if you are picking up your child, or grandchild, you can not have the handgun in your vehicle if you do not have your CHL.
The laws of carrying in other states is governed by each state. If you travel outside of Ohio, you need to make sure you are aware of other state’s laws regarding concealed carry. Not all states recognize Constitutional Carry or Concealed carry.
Choosing to carry a handgun on you comes with responsibilities.
Each person carrying a gun should be comfortable with using it. If not, it becomes dangerous, for you and everyone around you.