Our Partners
About The Mission
The Ohio Small Police Department Association is committed to developing strong collaborative partnerships between small departments; 40 officers or less and relationships that enable its members to provide a high level of service and to better protect, serve and support the people of their communities.
We strive to bring you the most progressive training and education for professional development. The OSPDA helps provide cost effective training with the help of collaborative training and business partners.
The OSPDA helps provide needed equipment through donations. We have established an Equipment Library. Equipment is provided free of cost by need.
Small departments have not had a voice in the State of Ohio. Through our relationships we now have a voice with the AG's Office, the Ohio Criminal Justice Services and Ohio Police Officers Training Academy.

Upcoming Training
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Here, you will find all the latest training courses offered by our partners.
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Corporate Membership
1,000$Every yearÂIndividual Membership
25$Every yearThis level is for individual memberships.ÂOSPDA Department Membership
150$Every yearThis is level is for any Police Department wanting to become a member of the OSPDA.ÂBusiness Membership
500$Every yearThis level is for Business Memberships. We will place your business logo on several pages on our website, giving contact access to both the business and members.Â